Saturday, August 31, 2019

Extreme Parenting

Extreme Parenting There is a child who is never allowed to attend a sleep over or have a playdate. A child that must constantly practice the violin, do homework, and is never allowed any free time to do as she pleases. This is the child of an extreme parent. Parenting methods have long been a subject of controversy, but a new trend in parenting called â€Å"Tiger† parenting may be the most controversial of today. The method of extreme parenting or parents that go to extreme lengths to give their children a head start over their peers can actually be quite detrimental to a child’s proper development.Extreme parenting is considered effective by some but, ineffective and bordering on abusive by others. Extreme parents, also known as â€Å"Tiger† parents, go beyond normal extremes to compel their children to succeed. They do this by forcing their children to participate and excel in a certain activity. They often use harsh punishment for failure, but believe that the ir actions better their children. They are different from the â€Å"typical† parent because of how they define their child’s success and happiness.According to the article â€Å"Key Events in the History of Extreme Parenting† from Facts On File the release of Amy Chua's book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother in January 2011 sparked a debate between people who see Amy Chau’s extreme parenting style as essential to help children reach their full potential and those who think it borders on child abuse. (Key Events) The subject of extreme parenting is a sensitive one in which many people have very strong and differing opinions. Most people agree that children need discipline in their lives but the line between what is appropriate and what is not has been blurred.Both extreme and permissive parents believe that their style of parenting is what is best for a child’s personal growth. An extreme parent is very involved with their child’s life and ofte n makes all of their decisions for them. These parents will use harsh disciple to keep their child in line. A permissive parent allows their child to have a great deal of freedom and will use few or no forms of discipline. Both kinds of parents, of course, believe that their way is the best. What harm or good can come from a parent being too controlling or demanding of their child is the main dilemma for parents.Another main area of discrepancy is what each kind of parent considers abusive behavior. In an article by C. J. Newton, a learning specialist, he helps to distinguish exactly what constitutes emotional child abuse. The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect describes it as â€Å"acts or omissions by the parents or other caregivers that have caused, or could cause, serious behavioral, cognitive, emotional, or mental disorders. † The article then goes on to list the various kinds of abuse. These include belittling, coldness, cruelty, harassment, isolating, and rejec ting. Newton) However, not all parents may agree with this definition of abuse or feel that the benefits still outweigh the faults. The children of â€Å"Tiger† parents may be good at school, sports, or playing instruments but there are definite drawbacks. Many different studies and surveys have been conducted on the subject and they have all come up with very negative results. I also conducted a survey on extreme parenting. The survey was given to 50 random students who are currently members of Professor Van Eck’s English 250 class at Ferris State University.The results of this survey were also considerably critical of extreme parenting. â€Å"Tiger† parenting is extremely rough on children and can hurt them psychologically and emotionally. The lasting scars that this parenting style inflicts on children can never measure up to the benefits. Supporters of extreme parenting say what many people consider aggressive or extreme parenting techniques are just a part of good, responsible parenting. Amy Chau is the Chinese American mother of two daughters and the author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.In her book she describes how she raised her daughters in what she calls the Traditional Chinese way. At the beginning the first chapter Chau lists of some of the things her daughters where never allowed to do. These include: attend a sleepover, have a playdate, be in a school play, complain about not being in a school play, watch tv or play computer games, choose their own extracurricular activities, get any grade less than an A, and not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama. (3-4) One common form of discipline extreme parents use is spanking.According to the article â€Å"Corporal Punishment† on Facts on File more than 90% of parents admit to having spanked their children and between 60% and 70%, admit to spanking them regularly. The article goes on to point out how critics of spanking think it is outrages that child ren remain the only people in America who may be legally beaten. (Corporal) However, most of the students in my survey found spanking to be an acceptable form of discipline. The three forms they objected to were slapping, verbal insults, and yelling. I completely agree with these results.None aggressive forms of discipline are the best kind. This is one of the main reasons extreme parenting is inappropriate. A parent should discipline their child with punishments such as time-outs, groundings and taking away their privileges. Spanking is the only exception but, should only be employed for special circumstances. It is difficult to say exactly what constitutes an appropriate time to spank your child. However, spanking a child should never be a regular occurrence and a parent must always be in control of their emotions while doing it.If a parent must spank their child regularly it may begin to turn abusive and is obviously not fixing the problem. A more relaxed parenting style is bette r for building children's self-confidence, because the children see that their parents' love does not depend on their academic success. When a parent is constantly focused on their child’s academic success the child will begin to feel they are not good enough for their parent. Obviously, this is will hurt their self-esteem a lot. â€Å"Tiger† parents see their tough love approach as preparing their child for whatever the world throws at them.Yet, According to the article by Pinky McKay, the mother of five, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and a Certified Infant Massage Instructor, when parents comfort their crying babies it actually helps teach their brains to manage stress well. This is based on a recent studies that show leaving babies to cry alone increases their stress hormones. This abandonment could also lead children to have stress disorders such as panic, anxiety and depression later in life. (McKay) While the children in this artic le are very young it proves that tough love is not always the best technique.A parent needs to always support their child. They should push their child to succeed but, in an encouraging manner. Extreme parenting encourages conformity but not creativity. These extreme parents make every big decision for their child. By controlling their every move they do not allow them do discover their own interest or abilities. My parents were strict but in no way extreme. When it came to being punished, often just the threat of a punishment would be enough. They set up an environment were certain rules and behaviors had to be abided by. My siblings and I knew what the consequences of our bad behavior would be.Simply having clearly defined rules lead us to be, for the most part, well behaved children. When it came to extracurricular activities are parents did not control are decisions at all. Because they allowed us this freedom we all became very unique individuals with varying interests. For exa mple my one brother was in a lot of sports and enjoyed being active. My other brother never played any sports, but was in every school play. Strict parents have a very limited idea of what constitutes success and set their children up for failure. Most extreme parents focus on their child’s academic achievement.This causes their children to see academic success as the only kind of success. Therefore, if they do not do well in school they are complete failures at life. Yan Sun has been a professor of political science at the City University of New York since 1992 and has published two books as well as numerous academic papers about China. Sun’s article in The New York Times describes why in China there is such a strong emphasis on education. She explains that it originated from a tradition of preparing the best and brightest for the challenging imperial exams.Today, this strict parenting is fueled by parents concerns about academic competition and professional opportuni ties. The gaokao, a college entrance exam has even been known to push students to suicide. Sun concludes by discussing how too much parental guidance can lead to a loss in creativity, individuality, and leadership skills. (Sun) The most alarming part of this article is how students have committed suicide because of an exam. This just goes to show how too much emphasis on academics can end disastrously.These students obviously saw academics as the only kind of success and if they couldn’t do well on the exam then they had no reason to live. This is an extremely sad and untrue belief. Successful adults are not always the ones who excelled in school. Success comes in many different forms and in many different ways. An excellent example of someone who was successful without academics is Mark Zuckerburg. He is the CEO of Facebook and the youngest billionaire in the world. Zuckerburg attended Harvard University for two years before dropping out to further develop his social network ing site Facebook.If his parents had been extreme parents they would have never allowed him to leave Harvard to pursue his entrepreneurial dreams, and we might not have Facebook. His father encourages parents to support their children's strengths and passions with a balance of â€Å"work and play. † Just because a child is successful at school does not mean they will be successful at life. The new trend called â€Å"Tiger† parenting is notorious for being harsh, yet these parents insist that they do it for the betterment of the child. However, a recent study indicates that this extreme parenting is a lot tougher on children then these parents may realize.According to an article by Stephanie Pappas, a Houston-based science writer with a Bachelor of arts in psychology and a minor in medical humanities, Desiree Baolian Qin, a professor in the department of human development and family studies at Michigan State University, conducted a series of studies to evaluate the effe cts of â€Å"Tiger† parenting on children. To do this she compared Chinese-American ninth graders with European-American ninth-graders at the same highly competitive U. S. school. Qin explained that strict parenting and high academic achievement are common in Chinese immigrant families.She discovered that the Chinese students reported higher levels of conflict in their families, mainly around education, and lower levels of cohesion. These students were also more stressed and depressed than their American classmates, and showed lower self-esteem. Qin concluded that â€Å"the more conflict and less cohesion in a teen's family, the more likely they were to have poor mental health†. When the students were questioned many complained that their parents constantly talked about academics, reacted passionately to their failures, and regularly compared them to other high achievers, such as their old siblings.The results for this study speak for themselves. Both the American and Chinese students were considered high achievers, but the Chinese students showed a considerably larger amount of issues. There is a big cultural difference between western and Chinese parenting styles. â€Å"Tiger† or Chinese parents usually consider themselves to be superior to â€Å"western† parents. They feel that their strict parenting style helps their child be successful. However, the results from this study indicate that â€Å"Western† and â€Å"Chinese† parenting styles lead to equally successful children.The only difference is that the â€Å"Chinese† students feel a lot more pressure and thus have more mental issues such as depression and anxiety. After, looking at these results it is hard for one to say that â€Å"Chinese† parents are really superior. In fact, these results imply that â€Å"Tiger† parenting does a lot more harm than good for a child. These Chinese children may turn out to be very successful adults but it is not necessary to use such harsh parenting. Children may become afraid of their parents because of their strict rules and even begin to hide things. â€Å"Tiger† parents say it is not their job to be their child’s friend.However, they cannot be a proper parent if their child is scared of them. Lylah M. Alphonse is a senior editor and writer at Yahoo! ‘s Shine and a Boston-based journalist, writer, editor, and blogger. In one of Alphonse’s articles she gives her point of view on extreme parenting used by mothers like Amy Chau. Alphonse describes how Chau once threw a birthday card in her daughters face and told her it wasn’t good enough. After describing this situation she poses a very good question: â€Å"That kind of â€Å"motivation† rarely works on an adult. So why is it OK to talk like that to a child? (Alphonse) This kind of discipline is undoubtedly very hurtful towards the child. When a child constantly fears that they will disappoint their parents it could cause them to pull away. They may not tell their parents about a problem they are having because they fear their reaction. This can be very dangerous for the child. Children need to be able to confide in their parents. For example, they may be struggling in school but are afraid to tell their parents. This could lead to them falling even farther behind. Because â€Å"Tiger† parents control every aspect of their child’s life, they become dependent on their parents.These children count on their parents to make every decision for them and thus lack the vital skill of decision making. Over 68% of the students in my survey said that they believed strict parenting leads to less confident children. These extreme parents may help steer their children in the right direction but they won’t always be there to make their decisions for them. Being able to make big decisions is not easy but it is a skill everyone should have. Because these parent struct ure every part of the child’s life they are not properly prepared to live on their own as adults.One of the hardest decisions I have had to make is what career field to enter into. While my parents helped me to make this decision by making suggestions and guiding me the end decision was ultimately mine. An extreme parent may even make this decision for their child. However, it is not their decision to make because it is the child who must live with the results of it. In the end It is better for a child to be happy, than successful. Author Kate Wharmby Seldman is the Health and Entertainment Editor at Opposing Views and she reported on some very extreme parenting in one of her articles.The article is about a beauty pageant mother in San Francisco who regularly injects her eight-year-old daughter with Botox to â€Å"get rid of wrinkles,† so she can compete in beauty pageants. The mother claims this helps her daughter gain an edge in beauty pageants. (Seldman) This mother is not your typical kind of extreme parent. She is not pushing her daughter in school but, in beauty pageants. Many will probably agree that what this mother is doing is very extreme. While giving her daughter these injections may give her a leg up in these competitions it cannot be pleasant to receive them.Nobody likes to get shots, especially not little girls. Plus, her daughter is so young it can have little effect anyway. This mother is causing her daughter unnecessary pain and raising her daughter to have an extremely skewed sense of self-worth. Personally, I would choose happiness over success any day. Perhaps the worst result of extreme parenting is that the bad memories will stay with the child forever. Lac Su is an executive for TalentSmart, a global think tank and management consulting firm and a writer after 5 p. m. and on the weekends.In an article written by Su he shares his own personal experience with being the child of â€Å"tiger† parents. He begins his arti cle with stating how horrified he was after reading about Amy Chau new book. Su describes how he was also raised by â€Å"tiger† parents and that still today he â€Å"bears the wounds† from it. Su’s parents would constantly remind him that he was stupid because he didn’t excel at school and forbid him to spend time with friends no matter how hard he worked. Perhaps the most terrifying story he tells is how his parents would force him to eat the brain of a cow every weekend in an attempt to â€Å"cure† his stupidity.Su ends his article with a plea to Chau saying, â€Å"I would trade every last bit of my success in life to live without the deep wounds given to me by a Tiger Mother. † (Su) Childhood experiences shape our lives and stay with us forever. Some of my fondest memories are from when I was a kid. I can remember playing outside with my siblings almost every day. We spent most of our time in the woods behind are house, exploring and pla ying games. Even so, my siblings and I all did well in school. We knew that we could play as long as we wanted to, as long as we finished our work first.Simply put childhood is the time to be a child. Extreme parents are ruining this precious time for their children. They are so concerned about their children’s future that they sacrifice the happiness and carefree experience of being a child. You only get to be young once. Parents shouldn’t spoil this experience for their children. In conclusion, extreme parenting is simply too extreme and should be avoided by parents. There is no one perfect way to raise a child, nor is there a perfect parent. Nevertheless, certain parenting techniques should never be used. â€Å"Tiger† parenting may get results but, it is not the only way.A happy child does not spend all their time practicing the violin, doing their homework and learning to speak a foreign language. It is much easier to order someone to work harder when they a re struggling, than to talk with them about why they are having problems and try to find a solution. It is okay for a parent to have high expectations for their child but they should convey those expectations in a caring and lov ing way. Discipline can be extremely beneficial to a child but too much will do the opposite. The most important thing to remember is that a child must still be allowed to be a child.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Reaction Paper in Food and Nutrition Essay

1. What are the dishes served at World Buffet? Group these dishes according to its main nutrients. Different foods are served at World Buffet just like a Japanese cuisines like sushi, maki and tempura. There are also western foods that are served at World Buffet just like US Roast Beef, Spanish Paella and Mexican Burritos. All of them are examples of foods that are served in a World Buffet. Desserts are also present in a World Buffet and these sweets are cakes, candies, brownies, fruit salads, and many more. Drinks are also there to make you feel refreshed and they different kinds of beverages like water, smoothies, shakes, juice, lemonades and green tea to lessen the â€Å"umay† (sorry ma’am there is no English word for this). 2. What dishes did you enjoy eating and why? When I heard of global cuisine, I assumed that there will be plenty of food to select from, and I’m right. They offer dishes from different countries around the world. When we got there, there’s a long line of people, in short we must line-up also. So after minutes of waiting we already got our table. We just place our bags in our chairs and ready to get our foods. When we are getting our foods we don’t know what to get because of so many choices from Japanese foods, Italian, Chinese, American, etc. I like the turkey so much, the lamb also taste good. Fruit shake especially four season is so refreshing!! The desserts are also delicious. Tempura is also good and their kebabs. They also have the grilling station where you can choose raw fish or meat and they will grill that for you and deliver right at your table. We had a great time on our visit. I want to come back again and try the dishes I didn’t eat. 3. Knowing what food/dishes you ate trace what happened to all nutrients in your meal from mouth to gastrointestinal tract. Carbohydrates: The digestible carbohydrates are broken into simpler fragments by enzymes in the saliva, in juice produced by the pancreas, and in the lining of the small intestine. Starch is digested in two steps. First, an enzyme in the saliva and pancreatic juice breaks the starch into molecules called maltose;  then an enzyme in the lining of the small intestine splits the maltose into glucose molecules that can be absorbed into the blood. Glucose is carried through the bloodstream to the liver, where it is stored or used to provide energy for the work of the body. Table sugar is another carbohydrate that must be digested to be useful. An enzyme in the lining of the small intestine digests table sugar into glucose and fructose, each of which can be absorbed from the intestinal cavity into the blood. Milk contains yet another type of sugar, lactose, which is changed into absorbable molecules by an enzyme called lactase, also found in the intestinal lining. Protein: Further digestion of the protein is completed in the small intestine. Here, several enzymes from the pancreatic juice and the lining of the intestine carry out the breakdown of huge protein molecules into small molecules called amino acid . These small molecules can be absorbed from the hollow of the small intestine into the blood and then be carried to all parts of the body to build the walls and other parts of cells. Fats: The first step in digestion of a fat such as butter is to dissolve it into the watery content of the intestinal cavity. The bile acids produced by the liver act as natural detergents to dissolve fat in water and allow the enzymes to break the large fat molecules into smaller molecules, some of which are fatty acids and cholesterol. The bile acids combine with the fatty acids and cholesterol and help these molecules to move into the cells of the mucosa. In these cells the small molecules are formed back into large molecules, most of which pass into vessels near the intestine. These small vessels carry the reformed fat to the veins of the chest, and the blood carries the fat to storage depots in different parts of the body. Vitamins: The large, hollow organs of the digestive system contain muscle that enables their walls to move. The movement of organ walls can propel food and liquid and also can mix the contents within each organ. Typical movement of the esophagus, stomach, and intestine is called peristalsis. The action of peristalsis looks like an ocean wave moving through the muscle. The muscle of the organ produces a narrowing and then propels the narrowed portion slowly down the length of the organ. These waves of narrowing push the food and fluid in front of them through each hollow organ.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Making of a Great Place to Work – the Story of Marriott International

The making of a Great Place to Work ® – the story of Marriott International A friend was narrating his story of an experience at the Ritz – Carlton hotel. He was suffering from a sore throat and decided to take his mother’s advice and called room service asking for a glass of hot milk mixed with a spoon of turmeric. Three years later after checking into the same hotel, he promptly receives a phone call from the room service, â€Å"Sir, would you like your favorite hot milk with turmeric! Much as he hated drinking hot milk with turmeric, my friend was impressed by the memory of the hotel’s staff. The Ritz-Carlton is one of the many brands of Marriott International. â€Å"Take care of the associates, and they'll take good care of the guests, and the guests will come back. † This was what J Willard Marriott said many decades ago. The founder of Marriott has since been vindicated many times over. Today, Marriott International has nearly 2,900 lodging properties located in the United States and 67 other countries and territories. Between now and the end of the year it will add another 100 properties to take the tally to 3000 properties. Marriott International, Inc. , is a leading lodging company. Its heritage can be traced to a root beer stand opened in Washington, D. C. , in 1927 by J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott. Today, the company manages and franchises hotels and resorts under the Marriott, JW Marriott, Renaissance, Bulgari, The Ritz-Carlton, Courtyard, Residence Inn, SpringHill Suites, TownePlace Suites, and Fairfield Inn brand names; develops and operates vacation ownership resorts under the Marriott Vacation Club International, The RitzCarlton Club, Grand Residences by Marriott, and Horizons brands; operates Marriott Executive Apartments; provides furnished corporate housing through its Marriott ExecuStay division; operates conference centers; and manages golf courses. Marriott consistently makes it to Fortune’s Best Employer’s List. And it is number 5 amongst the Top 25 Great Places to Work ® in India. Visit a Marriott property and you will sense the enthusiasm and energy of their Associates (They call their employees Associates). I decided to visit their Juhu property and talk to a few employees to find out what makes this hotel an employer of choice. Here’s what I found. 1. A strong Brand Marriott International does not own the hotels it operates. It owns the brands and runs the management. In this sense it is a true professional services firm. A lot of people can construct a world class property; it takes a Marriott management team to make it a world class hotel. â€Å"When I was working with a rival chain, I kept on wondering, if Marriott can do it, why can’t we,† confided a senior manager. â€Å"When I decided to shift from Delhi to Mumbai, I had a colleague who used to work in Marriott in Mumbai. She almost forced me to come for an interview at Marriott,† shared the current head of Training.  ©Great Place to work ® Institute,India 2. True Empowerment Empowerment is the cornerstone of â€Å"the Marriott way. Marriott has numerous examples of how their Associates feel empowered. Employees decide when to give a fruit basket or other complimentary items to guests. There is a high degree of pride in the unique relationships they form with their guests. One example quoted was how an Associate in a restaurant offered the most expensive bottle of champagne to an unhappy guest- as a complimentary gift! Such examples are applauded and recognised. In the employee website, as well as, the company website you will find a number of stories of exemplary behaviour of Associates. . Guarantee of fair treatment Marriott employees feel empowered because they know that fair treatment is a cornerstone of the Organisation’s philosophy. This is what J W Marriott, Jr, current Chairman and CEO has to say, â€Å"I want our Associates to know that there really is a guy named Marriott who cares about them†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Bill, as he is affectionately called, makes sure these are not empty words. Each manager has to give an undertaking of fair treatment. There is a process of escalation of employee grievances (Speak Out process), right up to him. Indeed, as the current HR Manager found out, getting a call from Bill’s office to enquire about an employee grievance is not surprising. Considering that Marriott employs over 150,000 employees globally, this is a strong example of the emphasis placed on fair treatment. And for employees too shy to write to Bill, there is always the option of anonymously calling up the Integrity hotline, a 24 by 7 toll free number. As one employee commented, â€Å"A very unique thing in this place is the work culture. I think all Associates are treated equally. At an individual level there are differences but no one turns their back when someone actually needs help. † 4. Communication If fairness ensures that employees are not penalised for doing the right thing, communication processes are what ensures that employees know what the right thing is. This is what Bill Marriott says in his blog (http://www. blogs. marriott. com), â€Å"Many years ago, Marriott did something revolutionary at the time for hotels. We not only began asking guests about their stays, what they liked and didn't like, but we also took that information and created databases and tracking mechanisms so we knew how each hotel was doing. Marriott is the only hotel I know of which has a daily newspaper, called the Daily Packet. The Daily Packet is a communication tool which comprises of the Hospitality Basic of the Day, Events for the day, Daily Birthdays, Special guest recognition of associate efforts, HR eye opener for the day, Daily occupancy rate, etc.  ©Great P lace to work ® Institute,India So the chances are the Associate who offered the bottle of champagne to the customer, did it with the full knowledge of how well the business is doing, and whether she can afford to spend that much on service recovery. An important part of the communication process is the performance communication. Every quarter the GM addresses the associates and shares the Balance Score Card which comprises of the Revenue, Guest Satisfaction Survey results, Turnover rate, Audit Scores etc. The winners for departmental and individual recognitions schemes are awarded during this Quarterly Associates Meeting. This is followed by the department head along with the line manager conducting a quarterly performance review with the Associates. This is to give the Associate feedback and an overview of the last quarter and set his goals and action plan/development for the next quarter. 5. The Marriott way I cannot end an article on Marriott without emphasising their 12 rules of success. Like any other great Organisation (Remember J&J’s Credo), Marriott has defined its 12 rules of success as under: 1. Continually challenge your team to do better. 2. Take good care of your employees and they'll take good care of your customers, and the customers will come back. 3. Celebrate your people's success, not your own. . Know what you're good at and mine those competencies for all you're worth. 5. Do it and do it now. Err on the side of taking action. 6. Communicate. Listen to your customers, associates and competitors. 7. See and be seen. Get out of your office, walk around, make yourself visible and accessible. 8. Success is in the details. 9. It's more important to hire people with the right qualities than with specific exper ience. 10. Customer needs may vary, but their bias for quality never does. 11. Eliminate the cause of a mistake. Don't just clean it up. 12. View every problem as an opportunity to grow. The above rules are supported by 20 Basics – basic behaviours that exemplify the above rules. Marriott’s brand beliefs can be summarised in one line as their spirit to serve- their Associates, Customers and Community. In line with the above Marriott have awards for Community Service and Diversity. Do not be surprised if you see hundreds of Marriott employees (joined by enthusiastic guests) descending on Juhu beach to clean it up. They did precisely that. Just as they took care of 26 school kids and many others during Mumbai floods. Great Place to work ® Institute,India I recall visiting a friend of mine in the HR department of a reputed five star hotel in the beginning of my career. The HR department was in the basement. My friend took me to the staff canteen, a dimly lit place where we were served some beaten rice (Poha) from an Aluminium Container, in a steel plate. I was amazed to see the difference between the basement and the other floors. Times have changed. The HR department in Marriott is at the same level as the Reception. And the basement is no less. For Marriott the â€Å"Heart of the Organisation† is as important as the â€Å"Front of the Organisation†. As you walk through the â€Å"Associate Corridor† which is designed to make you proud to be in Marriott, and enter the Associate canteen, you can’t help exclaiming,† Are all restaurants in this hotel as good as the Associate canteen?! † ____________________________________________________________ ____________ The author is CEO of The Great Place to Work ® Institute, India. He can be reached at [email  protected] in Views expressed are personal.  ©Great Place to work ® Institute,India

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Pavane Should consider one of the most important dance in China Essay

Pavane Should consider one of the most important dance in China - Essay Example Though fast and moderately fast songs originally accompanied it, the dance can also be used for slow songs (Brown 1). The songs are based on the performance skills of the dancer. Through the attire adopted in the dance, it appears unique and very interesting. In demonstrating the importance of the pavane dance, a broad perspective on the dance will be considered as well as Yang Liping’s dance will be analyzed. It is therefore important that pavane dance should be given much importance in the dance department in China. Pavane is a dance that provides an intergenerational connection. Based on its history, the dance has a very important historical and cultural importance. Used by the French and Italy, it was adopted by the entire Europe and later spread across the world. China through its award-winning artists such as Yang Liping have presented this form of dance in their various presentations. In the historical context, the dance involved backward and forward movements in steps. The dancers would also sway side by side, as they raised their feet in a systematic manner. In addition, the dancers were in pairs as opposed to the current scenario where there can be a single dancer (Brown 5). This dance provides a very good basis of understanding the European culture since it basically relates closely to their ceremonies such as weddings. Yang Liping presents the dance in a spectacular way that makes attractive and worth considering in the Chinese Dance department. The dance is presented in a slow-motion manner with systematic body steps being made by Liping (You Tube 1). In addition, she uses only particular body parts in the dance as an expression of its composition. The dance goes very well with a slow song. Liping is able to capture the attention of the viewers since the steps and body movements made cannot be easily predicted. The dance is quite entertaining based on the use of diverse movements in the dance. On the other hand, her

BYOD Increase Motivation and Learning Coursework

BYOD Increase Motivation and Learning - Coursework Example The case studies were selected on the basis of geographical proximity to each other to maintain the consistency in external forces such as educational policies. In this study, the researcher sought to find out if mobile learning technologies motivate students to learn, and whether they enhance the learning experience. From the research, it was evident that none of the students struggled with operating technological devices hence funds on training and orientation were minimal. It was also discovered that the use of mobile devices significantly improved student engagement thus improving student motivation and culminating into better academic performance. The most critical finding of the study was that it was not students but teachers and educators who lack enthusiasm when tailoring technology-oriented programs. This finding will play a significant role in the proposed social change study as it indicates that most research studies in this line focus on students and their performance, an d not on teachers and their enthusiasm.   This is a mixed approach research study that deploys the use of an online survey and an interview for quantitative and qualitative data collection respectively. The online survey was conducted by sixty-nine certified K-12 school teachers, twenty administrating principals and assistant principals, and four technology directors. The study was conducted in the state of Missouri.  Ã‚  The main shortcoming of the study is that the researcher did not give the demographic information of the participants hence it is challenging to establish whether a variable such as their educational level affects the outcomes of the study. Additionally, it was also challenging to understand how well the participants acted as a representative sample.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

3short questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

3short questions - Assignment Example In addition, any government has a responsibility of protecting the rights and freedoms of her citizens which organizations tend to overlook so as to maximize their profitability. It is the duty of government agencies to ensure that workers’ rights and freedoms such as working conditions, salary and remunerations as well as working hours are observed. Government interference with business operations is also justified by the fact that this is one of the few ways in which business organizations can be forced to engage in operations that are legitimate (Macdonald 72). Such interference ensures that organizations restrict their operations as stipulated in the memorandum of association and article of association and do not engage in acts of lawlessness Businesses participate in politics through various strategies such as through the use of lobby groups and other business professionals. Business organizations sponsor lobbyists and professionals who act on their behalf to ensure that their organizations have made adequate contacts for with the politicians. Though there are rules and regulations that are made to prevent fraud and corruption, businesses through lobbyists end up breaking these rules particularly in the corrupt countries to bribe politicians (law makers) so that they can pass bills that favor their operations. The primary goals as to why business organizations involve themselves in politics are to get contact and to ensure that the elected political leaders are of their choice or are persons whom they share similar business ideologies. Politicians, who are in most countries law and policy makers can create a good business environment/climate that would make business organizations flourish or a hostile environment that would make it collapse (Macdonald 56). Government policies are some of the main factors that

Monday, August 26, 2019

Argumentative Research Paper On Whether or Not Gay Marriage Should be Essay

Argumentative Research Paper On Whether or Not Gay Marriage Should be Permitted - Essay Example Consequently, the idea of free-will and links to contraception will be addressed in refutation to the proponents of gay-marriage. Views on sexual morality have varied greatly over time and by different cultures and religions alike. Different religions have different codes of sexual morality which regulate sexual activity or assign normative values to certain sexually-charged actions or thoughts. The views of religions and religious believers range widely, from holding that sex and the flesh are evil and that many forms of sexual expression should be prohibited and punished, to the belief that sex is the highest expression of the divine and should not be regulated by social mores. Those who oppose gay marriage do so with vehemence because it is not simply that they would rather not see it exist, but rather that they regard homosexual marriage as a supreme moral and social evil. The religious opposition cannot merely be dismissed as containing no grounds for debate, as it is important to understand the true extension towards their views. Christian groups, for instance, claim that the Bible regards homosexual conduct as sinful. (Sidlow & Henschen, 102) Specifically, there are teachings in the Bible that reflect this notion that surround a comparison between adultery and fornication. First, there is adultery, which in the natural sense is the sexual intercourse of a married person with someone other than his or her own spouse. It is condemned in both the Old and New Testaments. (Exodus 20:14; I Cor. 6:9, 10) Secondly, there is fornication, which is the illicit sex acts of unmarried persons, which is likewise forbidden. (I Corinthians 5:1; 6:13, 18; Ephesians 5:3) The difference between adultery and fornication is the aspect of being married. Thus, both sexual acts in marriage, or not, are considered forb idden due to their promiscuous nature, which is directly associated to homosexuality because it's sexual acts, in marriage or not, is still a sin. Moreover, homosexuality is directly referred to by the Apostle Paul, who declares that homosexuals: "shall not inherit the kingdom of God", (I Corinthians 6:9; 10) Also, homosexuality is an illicit lust forbidden by God, as he said to His people of Israel: "Thou shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them". (Leviticus 18:22) Moral sin is produced by the rebellion against God and since homosexuality and its acts are viewed as an "abomination", then through Christian LAST NAME, 3 religious values, it is a sin and therefore should not be permitted as a sacrament of marriage. Like Christian religions, Muslims also teach that marriage is a sanction between a male and a female. One of the principles of Islamic Jurisprudence says that: "The default state of all things is lawfulness until some evidence shows otherwise." (Syed, Web/Online) Relations between men and women do not follow this general principle and in fact are opposite to it. The principle is that: "Relations between men and women are forbidden until some evidence shows otherwise." (Syed, Web/Online) Since homosexuals are unable to procreate, Muslims continue to reject its validity as a marriage and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Business Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Administration - Essay Example There are three main ways to create organisational structures which are discussed below: Functional structure This technique divides work according to the function of an organisation; it makes departments on the basis of organisational functions such as marketing, finance, human resource etc. (Torraco & Swanson, 1995) This is a very successful way to create an organisational structure as it promotes strong communication between departments and allows employees to use their expertise to achieve organisational goals. This structure is used by both small and large firms (Tobey & Benson, 2009). Example Revlon is a multinational cosmetics, skin care, personal care and fragrance firm and it uses functional organisational structure to manage its 6800 employees. It focuses on organisational functions to meet organisational goals. (Five approaches to Organizational Design) Divisional structure This way of developing structure, make divisions according to the types of products and market areas (Ulrich and Brockbank, 2005). This structure is usually used by large firms which have wide variety of products and its operations are geographically expanded. Small size firms can also use divisional structure on a small scale (Vosburgh, 2007). ... It uses divisional structure. (Five approaches to Organizational Design) Matrix Matrix structure is combination of functional and divisional structure; it is a hybrid which is normally used by large multinational firms. Though it is a complex and costly structure but firms using this structure enjoy the benefit of both functional and divisional structures (Aguinis, 2009). Example Starbucks coffee company is an international coffee house which operates in many countries. It uses matrix structure which is costly but Starbucks Corporation is enjoying advantages of both functional and divisional structure which is helping them to expand and to maintain its focus on company’s goals (Hitt, 2008). How managers can be supported during the process of organisational structure change. Managers play an important role during the process of organisational structure change. They need to be very systematic to implement the change and has to be very careful about the processes involved (Armstr ong, 2009). Change can be a shift to other structure or it may also mean to bring in the change within the selected organisational structure (Beatty & Schneier, 997). There is an eight-step process which can support managers the process of structural change. Following figure shows the steps involves in the process: (CliffNotes) Managers first need to analyse the need for change of organisational structure, then they need to develop the goals of change, once they decide goals then they need to select the change agent, then they need to do diagnosis, after diagnosis they need to select the intervention method, then they need to do develop a plan for change, once the plan is develop than

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Principles of International Relations - Group Assignment Essay

Principles of International Relations - Group Assignment - Essay Example astrophic and irreversible environmental consequences such as decline in global food production, extreme precipitation and destruction of the natural ecosystem and biodiversity. The extreme summer heat waves could lead to adverse health impacts on human beings and increase the prevalence of vector-borne diseases (Luterbacher & Sprinz, 2001). The development of climate change was initially constrained to scientific conferences since scientists established that carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere were increasing in the 1960s. The Villach Conference of 1985 organized by United Nations Environmental Program concluded that states should initiate consideration on a global climate change convention thus creating an agenda for policy makers to address climate change (Paterson, 2013). Countries such as Germany and Canada were concerned with the increased depletion of stratospheric ozone layer, pollution of oceans and loss of biodiversity thus forcing scientists to carry out more research that led to discovery of Antarctic ozone hole (Luterbacher & Sprinz, 2001). The Northern American heat wave of 1988 summer boosted greenhouse warming agenda in Canada and the United States and thus led to the Toronto Conference of June 1988 that called for reduction of the global carbon dioxide emissions by 20 percent by the year 200 5 (Victor, 2011). Countries like Canada and Japan have committed to reducing greenhouse gases emission since global warming is an environmental disaster that has led to natural disasters in countries in the East Asia region (Paterson, 2013). The Toronto Conference marked the involvement of international actors such as non-governmental actors in environmental and states thus making global warming an international issue. The United Nations Assembly made climate change a common concern for mankind in 1988 while the Noordwijk Conference of 1989 in Netherlands concluded that industrialized nations should maintain their greenhouse gas emissions

Friday, August 23, 2019

Critical Evaluation of Current Integrated Marketing Communications Essay - 2

Critical Evaluation of Current Integrated Marketing Communications Practice - Essay Example d sales promotions as well as the people with intention to have a major positive effect on the people decision and perception when they are combined together. IMC is also referred to as â€Å"a strategic marketing process specifically designed to ensure that all messaging and communication strategies are unified across all channels and are centered on the customer† (JIMC, 2011). It is done in a way that allows one medium’s weakness to be offset by the strength of another medium it is used together with. This process according to the journal of integrated marketing process emphasizes that customer prospects should be identified and assessed so that messages are tailored towards such customers in a way that is profitable and can allow for evaluation of its success to minimize waste. This, they propose can be done in five steps beginning with customer identification from behavioral data, evaluation of customer prospects, creating and delivering messages and incentives, estimating returns on customer investment and finally to budgeting, allocation, evaluation and recycling. The process is cyclic. This paper is going to look into how Ford motor vehicle manufacturer has been if true been using IMC to do its marketing while reflecting on the impact of this marketing tool to the overall strategic goals of the company. It is also going to look into the company’s success story from the use of this marketing strategy. Ford’s business strategy is based on its plan which was adopted in 2007 and has guided the company since then (Ford, 2014). It is indeed true that Ford motor company is adopting the use of integrated marketing communication as a strategy of winning more customers and increasing their market presence and revenue in overall. According to the definitions of the integrated marketing and communications discussed above, it is possible for a company to succeed in it by creating their strategy from the basis of their business while centering on the customer

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cashflow Statements - Three examples Essay Example for Free

Cashflow Statements Three examples Essay Accounts Payable increased in both first years, especially in 1990. For 1991 the amount decreased. III) Assessment of the financial strength: Own assessment of the financial strength of the company, why? The Gamma Corporation realizes a process of restructure and acquisition. A lot of purchases of plant, property, and equipment and high values in depreciation and amortization describe the firm’s situation best whilst it is also well managed  from a financial perspective. Even though the reported net income of especially the last year 1991 shows a clear loss - ­? which may indicate a weak financial situation- ­? the corporation is still stable from a finance perspective and seems to prepare for the future. A restructuring reserve has been implemented which proofs the ongoing restructuring process. The net cash flows from operating activities show over all three years (despite a slight  decrease) a financially stable situation in the case of operating cash flows. Also, the corporation still disposes a huge amount of cash and cash equivalents so that no risk of bankruptcy can be perceived. The company has a safe line of cash reserves each year so far. The only thing unclear is the position of â€Å"Other adjustments† in all three years. All in all, Gamma Corporation seems to be on the right track and setup for the coming financial years.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Theories of Decision Making Essay Example for Free

Theories of Decision Making Essay Theories of Decision Making The Rational Comprehensive Model The rational comprehensive model is based on the reasoning of economists, mathematicians, and psychologists. It assumes that the decisionmaker can identify the problem, that the decisionmaker’s goals, values, and objectives are clear and ranked in accord with their importance, that alternative ways of addressing the problem are considered, that the cost and benefits or advantages and disadvantages of each alternative are investigated, that alternatives and their consequences can be compared with other alternatives, and that the decisionmaker will choose the alternative that maximizes the attainment of his or her goals, values, and objectives. However, problems are not always clearly defined; problems have to be formulated in a way which enables people to make decisions about them. Decisionmakers must have vast amounts of information in order to make use of the rational comprehensive decision-making technique. There needs to be an ability to predict the future consequences of decisions made. Also, problems confronting decisionmakers often embody conflicting values. In addition, it is tough to ignore the sunk costs of former decisions, these may foreclose many alternatives. Moreover, this model of decisionmaking assumes that there is one (unitary) decisionmaker, when in fact a great many people, interests and institutions are usually involved. The Incremental Theory Attempts to correct deficiencies of the rational comprehensive model and to better describe how policy decisionmakers actually behave have resulted in incremental theory. Incremental theory holds that the selection of goals and objectives is intertwined with, not distinct from, the scientific analysis of the problem. Decision makers only consider alternatives for dealing with a problem that differs marginally (incrementally) from existing policies (suggesting that they do not completely remake policy every time they make a policy decision, but instead refashion existing policy). For each alternative, only important consequences are considered. Problems confronting the decisionmaker are continually redefined. Constant ends-means and, means-ends adjustments are made to better manage policy. Seldom are there ever single decisions or totally correct solutions available to resolve a problem. A good decision is one that policy makers can agree on, not one that may be most appropriate for an agreed objective. Incremental decisionmaking is remedial, not holisticly-devised or future-oriented. Rarely are decisions faced in all or nothing terms. Mixed Scanning Okay, this one is pretty simple. Sociologist Amitai Etzioni (you need only remember his last name) found fault with both the rational-comprehensive model of decisionmaking and the incremental model of decisionmaking. His mixed scanning approach considers both fundamental and incremental decisions. Mixed scanning incorporates a broad-based analysis sometimes and an in-depth analysis at other times. It considers the differing capacities of decisionmakers. Etzioni’s approach is not very specific about how mixed scanning could be used in practice. Decision Criteria Decisions can be studied as an individual or collective process. First, consider the role of values in decisionmaking. Values are a big deal in Presidential campaigns: witness Dan Quayle and â€Å"Murphy Brown† squabbling over values projected by a fictional TV character who elects to have a child out of wedlock. Much of the Clinton vs. Dole 1996 Presidential campaign involved disputes about values big government vs. small government, pro-life vs. pro-choice, and pro-gun control vs. antigun control, et cetera. Values Below are five categories of values which sometimes guide decisionmakers. Organizational Values Decision makers, especially bureaucrats, are influenced by organizational values. Sometimes agencies use rewards and sanctions in subtle ways to induce their members to act in accordance with organizational values. Wearing a common uniform—as do the police, firefighters, the military, the Park Service and the Forest Service, et cetera—is one way those organizations attempt to build common values among their workers. Organizational values involve the promotion of organizational interests in the decisionmaking of those in the collectivity. Professional Values The norms of one’s profession instill values that are often critical in decisionmaking. Lawyers (believe it or not), doctors, professors, and other occupational specialization’s requiring years of training, education, and ork experience embody professional norms or values that shape decisionmaking behavior. Personal Values This can involve personal ambitions, reputation, and self-interest. Note that rational choice theorists put far too much weight on explaining the behavior of individuals in terms of self-interest. This is understandable because so much of self-interest is tied to economic gain, which can be modeled in elegant, mathematical, and abstract terms. Policy Values This means acting on the basis of perceived public interest or acting in accordance with beliefs about what is proper, ethical, necessary, or morally correct. The Small Business Administration is filled with people who are likely to believe that small businesses are worthwhile, need help to survive, and promote beneficial public interests. Ideological Values Rationalizing and legitimizing actions on the basis of a political ideology (or belief system). Nationalism was a paramount ideology in explaining the behavior of many leaders (and average people) during Desert Shield and Desert Storm operations against Iraq. Conservatism and liberalism, although over-used and often misunderstood as American political ideologies, manifest ideological values. Political Party Affiliation Party membership is interwoven with leadership influence, policy values, and ideological values. However, the Republican and Democratic parties are mass membership parties that seek to appeal to an extremely broad range of political interests and ideologies. Also, party members are not nearly as cohesive in voting as they once were (more people vote split tickets than vote along straight party lines). Party is still a pretty good predictor of how most legislators will vote on a bill. Parties are sometimes associated with specific policy positions. Constituency Interests When party interests conflict with constituency interests, legislators usually vote in favor of their constituency interests. A legislator’s constituency is made up of the voters and key interests that elected him or her to office. Legislators are delegates sometimes, and trustees other times. As delegates they decide matters in accordance with the views of the majority of their constituents or in accordance with a vital block of back-home interests. As delegates they attempt to anticipate the feelings and sentiments of their constituents. When legislators behave as trustees, they consider interests beyond their constituencies. They may think about National interests, the greater public good, international issues, broadbased economic concerns, charity, future generations, interests with little or no political representation, and protecting the National and global environment, et cetera. Public Opinion Public opinion usually has an impact on policy decisionmaking when decisions involve broad direction or thrust. Most members of the general public have a very limited knowledge of what policy makers are considering. Public opinion does impact foreign policy in a broad sense. Deference Deferring to the judgment of others occurs when administrators obey the wishes of their politically appointed superiors, or when legislators vote in accordance with the wishes of the top representatives or senators who head key committees or subcommittees. Judges defer when they interpret laws in accordance with the wishes of the legislative originators of the statute. Decision Rules Stare decisis is sometimes a decision rule. It means new decisions are often based on precedents in decisionmaking that came before. It also applies to committee decisionmaking dynamics. THE PUBLIC INTEREST This is tough to define. It is sometimes thought of as the outcome of competing interest group forces. The public interest may involve decisionmaking aimed at helping the Nation as a whole, rather than seeking to benefit selfish special interests. Some may argue that reducing the Federal deficit or balancing the Federal budget advances the public interest. Some may reason that maintaining the Nation’s capacity to mobilize and respond to disaster threats is in the public interest.

Recruiting Local Nationals in Expatriate Security Companies

Recruiting Local Nationals in Expatriate Security Companies Title Sustained outbreaks of violence in different areas of the world have opened up extensive opportunities for specialised security companies. One of the greatest challenges facing expatriate security companies in hostile regions concerns the recruitment of local people for security operations. With the dissertation focusing on this particular area, it is proposed to title the assignment as follows: Challenges and Complexities of  Recruitment of Local Nationals in Expatriate Security Companies in Hostile Regions:  A study with reference to the position in Iraq Aims and Objectives Hopes of a peaceful denouement to the violence ridden situation in Iraq evaporated within weeks of the US organised invasion of the country in March 2003. More than five years after the invasion, (which was followed by the installation of an elected government), acts of violence continue to be regular and widespread. Initial hopes among observers, as well as of corporate managements interested in participating in the rebuilding of the devastated country, of the military coalition taking up the responsibility for maintaining peace and ensuring an environment conducive to growth and development have been belied by the large scale violence that has continued to occur in the region and the helplessness of the overstretched occupying forces in controlling it. The inadequacy of the military in controlling risks and minimising danger to civilian life and property in Iraq have opened up a window of opportunity for numerous western security companies who have entered the area and are now actively involved in providing a range of security services to local and international as well as private and government organisations. â€Å"The private military and security companies that have stepped into this security vacuum range from large, relatively well-known concerns such as DynCorp and Vinnell of the US, which are training the new Iraqi police and army respectively to smaller operations such as Olive Security of the UK. ‘There is quite a bit of business out there,’ says Harry Legge-Bourke, for Olive. ‘From our point of view, it just gets better all the time.’† (Catan and Fidler, 2003) Whilst the majority of these expatriate security companies depend extensively on westerners, mostly people with experience in military, para-military and police functions, to man their key positions, local Iraqi nationals are increasingly being drafted into these organisations. Iraqis are far cheaper than expatriates to recruit and employ, possess valuable knowledge about local customs, traditions and cultures, speak the local language, and are often far more acceptable to the local population than foreigners. Many of them are also extremely suitable for the responsibilities needed for jobs in security agencies. Recruitment of local nationals is however also associated with a number of problems, namely the possibility of infiltration of security companies by people with disruptive intentions, the lack of adequate training of prospective employees, the possibility of such employees being intimidated by insurgents, and the likelihood of their being seen as collaborators by members of their community. Very obviously recruitment of local Iraqis by expatriate security companies in Iraq, though essential for their success and effectiveness, is an extremely complex and multifaceted task. This assignment aims to study the topic of recruitment of local nationals by expatriate security companies in Iraq in detail, delving into the causes of their problems, the likely impact of such problems on the operations of security companies, client needs and demands, the options available to security companies in the recruitment of local employees, and the actions being taken by them to overcome various challenges. A dissertation of this nature, along with its findings and recommendations, could be instructive and informative for all people associated with the running or utilisation of security companies, especially so in hostile or violence prone regions. Managements of companies intending to set up operations in such areas could also find it helpful in shaping their perspectives and in crystallising their plans. Methodology Much of the information required for this dissertation will need to be obtained from available material on the subject; books, journal articles, research assignments, and magazine and newspaper articles. With the post war phase in Iraq having entered its fifth year, substantial material has already been generated, both online and by way of hard copy publications. It is proposed to base this dissertation primarily on a detailed study of available literature on the running of large and small security companies, their challenges and opportunities, the evolution of the post war situation in Iraq, the security situation in the region, the complexities of local cultures, traditions and customs, the challenges associated with the running and staffing of security companies in the region, the issues involved in recruiting and utilising local staff, and the actual actions of security companies in the region. Whilst substantial information is available on the topic and it is proposed to access and use the same for the purpose of the dissertation, the assignment will be aided greatly if primary information can be obtained from managers of security companies operating in Iraq and other such disturbed areas. Endeavour will accordingly be made to secure appointments with managers in such agencies for obtaining relevant data. A number of books and articles, listed in the references section at the end of the assignment, have already been accessed on the topic. Articles by Flores and Earl (2004), Cole (2004), and Catan and Fidler (2003) have been illuminating. The book â€Å"Private Military and Security Companies, Chances, Problems, Pitfalls and Prospects† by Jager and Kummel (2007), being anthological in nature and containing a full chapter devoted to Iraq, has been particularly helpful in increasing my understanding of the subject. Substantial additional information, currently under mining, is also proposed to be used for the purpose of the dissertation. Time Plan Whilst a certain amount of information has already been accessed, I propose to devote a significant proportion of the time at my disposal to obtaining additional information and collating it coherently for the dissertation. I shall also make efforts to obtain at least a couple of interviews with managers of security companies with operations in difficult and hostile foreign terrain. The rest of the time at my disposal will be devoted to writing up the dissertation, which will consist of finalising the research hypothesis, writing a coherent and well structured Literature Review and the putting together (if possible) of the interview transcripts; this shall be followed by detailing the methodology, arriving at the findings, analysing the same, testing the hypothesis, and coming to conclusions and recommendations. I plan to devote 10 % of the time available to revision, self-assessment, corrections, and smoothening out the dissertation. The next section details the structure I propose to follow for the purpose of the dissertation. Structure I plan to follow an orthodox dissertation structure, beginning with a short and concise abstract, followed by the table of contents. The body of the dissertation is proposed to be divided into the introduction, methodology, literature review, findings and analysis, conclusion and recommendations, appendices and tables, and the bibliography. The introduction will consist of an overview section followed by the framing of the research hypotheses. In the literature review I propose to devote separate sections to the origin and growth of the security services business, connected human resource issues, problems in hostile and violence prone foreign settings, and staffing including recruitment and utilisation of local personnel. The next section will focus on findings and analysis. The concluding chapter will be devoted to drawing conclusions, detailing recommendations and laying down the limitations of the assignment. References Boim, I., Smith, K, (1994, February) Detecting Weak Links in Executive Armour. Security Management, 38, 50+ Catan, T Fidler, S, (2003), The military can’t provide security, nettime, Retrieved July 16, 2008 from Cole, J, (2004), US Mistakes in Iraq,, Retrieved July 16, 2008 from Cox, D. (2001), Close Protection: The Politics of Guarding Russias Rulers. Westport, CT: Praeger. Flores, T Earl, J (2004), What are security lessons in Iraq, Security Management, Retrieved July 16, 2008 from Jager, C Kummel, G (2007), Private Military and Security Companies, Chances, Problems, Pitfalls and Prospects, An anthology of new PMC and PSC scholarship, VS Verlag Leach, N. S. (1990, February). Executive Protection: An Ironclad Defense. Security Management, 34, 84+ Montana, P. J. Roukis, G. S. (Eds.). (1983). Managing Terrorism: Strategies for the Corporate Executive. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. Nocella, H. A. (1990, February). Executive Protection: Bandaging Bruised Egos. Security Management, 34, 89+ Oatman, R.L., (1999), The art of executive protection, Baltimore, Noble House Rogers, B, (2007), Iraq’s Northern Kurdish area offers business opportunity, VOA, Retrieved July 19, 2007 Simovich, C. J. (2004, October). To Serve and Protect: Long before an Executive Plans a Trip, Security Should Have a Plan for Handling the Executive Protection Component. Security Management, 48, 72+

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Free Native Son Essays: Naturalism and Determinism :: Native Son Essays

Naturalism and Determinism in Native Son "Today Bigger Thomas and that mob are strangers, yet they hate. They hate because they fear, and they fear because they feel that the deepest feelings of their lives are being assaulted and outraged. And they do not know why; they are powerless pawns in a blind play of social forces."   This passage epitomizes for Richard Wright, the most radical effects of criminal racial situation in America. However, perhaps the most important role of this passage is the way in which it embodies Wright's overall philosophy of Naturalism or Social Realism. The naturalist perspective in the passage is evident through the use of the most crucial features of Naturalism. The passage also echoes the most crucial features of Determinism. namely fear, hate and mob mentality. In a critical analysis of this passage there are many single phrases to dissect. One such phrase is, "They hate...." The hatred that is felt by the white mob is a product of their guilt. It is the guilt like that of Mr. Dalton that is so strong that he tries to "undo it in a manner as naà ¯ve as dropping a penny in a blind man's cup."   Wright further speaks of this guilt when Max states, "The Thomas family got poor and the Dalton family got rich. And Mr. Dalton, a decent man, tried to salve his feelings by giving money. But, my friend, gold was not enough! Corpses cannot be bribed! Say to yourself Mr. Dalton, 'I offered my daughter as a burnt sacrifice and it was not enough to push back into it's grave this thing that haunts me.'" This s tatement embodies the very core of social reality of the time, and in essence, Social Realism. "They fear...." What fear is Wright speaking of? Wright speaks of the fear that both the blacks and the whites feel. Bigger's fear and hate is a direct result of the way he sees society. Bigger sees in a garish light the failure of his society. He sees it's cultural and political ideals and promises, and he refuses to accept the compromises that most individuals make for simple self-preservation (as was in Bessie's case.) The white's fear is different. They fear loosing the power and control that they have over the blacks. The whites believe that if they correct the socioeconomic state of the black they will, in essence, be compromising their seat of power. Free Native Son Essays: Naturalism and Determinism :: Native Son Essays Naturalism and Determinism in Native Son "Today Bigger Thomas and that mob are strangers, yet they hate. They hate because they fear, and they fear because they feel that the deepest feelings of their lives are being assaulted and outraged. And they do not know why; they are powerless pawns in a blind play of social forces."   This passage epitomizes for Richard Wright, the most radical effects of criminal racial situation in America. However, perhaps the most important role of this passage is the way in which it embodies Wright's overall philosophy of Naturalism or Social Realism. The naturalist perspective in the passage is evident through the use of the most crucial features of Naturalism. The passage also echoes the most crucial features of Determinism. namely fear, hate and mob mentality. In a critical analysis of this passage there are many single phrases to dissect. One such phrase is, "They hate...." The hatred that is felt by the white mob is a product of their guilt. It is the guilt like that of Mr. Dalton that is so strong that he tries to "undo it in a manner as naà ¯ve as dropping a penny in a blind man's cup."   Wright further speaks of this guilt when Max states, "The Thomas family got poor and the Dalton family got rich. And Mr. Dalton, a decent man, tried to salve his feelings by giving money. But, my friend, gold was not enough! Corpses cannot be bribed! Say to yourself Mr. Dalton, 'I offered my daughter as a burnt sacrifice and it was not enough to push back into it's grave this thing that haunts me.'" This s tatement embodies the very core of social reality of the time, and in essence, Social Realism. "They fear...." What fear is Wright speaking of? Wright speaks of the fear that both the blacks and the whites feel. Bigger's fear and hate is a direct result of the way he sees society. Bigger sees in a garish light the failure of his society. He sees it's cultural and political ideals and promises, and he refuses to accept the compromises that most individuals make for simple self-preservation (as was in Bessie's case.) The white's fear is different. They fear loosing the power and control that they have over the blacks. The whites believe that if they correct the socioeconomic state of the black they will, in essence, be compromising their seat of power.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Religion Essay -- Character Analysis, Daja, Nathan

William Hazlitt, a British writer during the early 1800’s once said, â€Å"Prejudice is the child of ignorance.† During the eighteenth-century, the time period in which Gotthold Ephraim Lessing wrote his play, Nathan the Wise, there was much religious prejudice displayed throughout Europe, specifically against the Jewish and Muslim populations. For instance, Ronald Schechter notes, â€Å"eighteenth-century writers typically portrayed Jews as greedy moneylenders, [and] depicted Muslims as violent despots and servants of the despots† (4). Many people perceived Christianity as the only true religion; however, Lessing challenges these notions of Christian superiority throughout his play. One way he does this is by not portraying the Christian characters as any better or worse than the characters of different religions; in fact, the Patriarch is characterized as a despot, similar to how eighteenth-century writers portrayed Muslims. Furthermore, he tries to illustrate that not one religion be it Christianity, Islam, or Judaism is greater than the others, but rather all religions are ultimately equal in the eyes of God. From factors such as characters’ portrayal, the play’s audience is able to grasp Lessing’s overall view of Christianity, which is also his main message throughout—â€Å"Christians do not have a monopoly on religious truths† (Schechter 10). In Lessing’s play there are four Christian characters and two of the four, Daja and the Patriarch, are portrayed negatively. Daja, a Christian servant of Nathan and his stepdaughter Recha, is characterized as â€Å"one of those fanatics who imagine they know the universal and only true path to God† (111). Although she tries to be a devout Christian, she betrays Nathan by revealing his secret regarding ... ...sides† (118). Although this is only a stage direction and not an actual line from the play, it nonetheless has a major impact on the play. The fact that all characters, representing each of the three religions, come together in the end exemplifies what the author is trying to portray throughout. As Ronald Schechter notes in the introduction, â€Å"The play does not end with the various characters tolerating each other. It ends with them embracing each other [†¦]† (20). Having the play conclude this way conveys Lessing’s thoughts on religion. Lessing does not think of Christianity as any better or worse than Judaism or Islam, rather â€Å"practitioners of different religions can please God equally† (Schechter 16). And until that higher, experienced judge comes down to rule which religion is better than the others, all religions should be thought as equal in the eyes of God.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Upton Sinclairs The Jungle Essay -- essays research papers

Several years before and after the turn the turn of the twentieth century, America experienced a large influx of European immigration. These new citizens had come in search of the American dream of success, bolstered by promise of good fortune. Instead they found themselves beaten into failure by American industry. Upton Sinclair wanted to expose the cruelty and heartlessness endured by these ordinary workers. He chose to represent the industrial world through the meatpacking industry, where the rewards of progress were enjoyed only by the privileged, who exploited the powerless masses of workers. The Jungle is a novel and a work of investigative journalism; its primary purpose was to inform the general public about the dehumanization of American workers. However the novel was much more effective at exposing the unsanitary conditions of the meatpacking industry. The public’s concern about the meat supply was so great that Sinclair later commented, â€Å"I aimed at the public’s heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach.† He played the journalist role well, actually spending seven months in Chicago where he studied the inner workings of the meatpacking industry. The experience allowed him to describe first-hand the sickening environment of the modern industrial factory. After Jurgis loses his factory job, he begins a frustrating search for new employment. Eventually he is forced into taking a job at the fertilizer plant, the worst place in the town. Sinclair makes it clear that the worker will, in fact, be working in sewage. The fertilizer works of Durham’s lay away from the rest of the plant. This this part of the yards came all the â€Å"tankage,† and the waste products of all sorts; here they dried out the bones—and in suffocating cellars where the day light bending over whirling machines and sewing bits of bone into all sorts of shapes, breathing their lungs of the fine dust, and doomed to die, every one of them, within a certain time. Here they made the blood into albumen, and made other foul-smelling things into thins still more foul-smelling. In the corridors and caverns where it was done, you might lose yourself as in the great caves of Kentucky. (p. 152) The thought of working in the waste of Packingtown disgusts Jurgis so much that he wishes he doesn’t get hired. Jurgis is a typical immigrant worker, and he realizes that this job is his â€Å"only hope.† T... ...r’s intended result was to show that the forces of industry capitalists would drive the working class to Socialism. Jack London, famous Socialist, commented, â€Å"What ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ did for the black slaves ‘The Jungle’ has a large chance to do for the white slaves of today.† By demonizing American industry he hoped to change the world. There are only a dozen or so pages concerned with the horrid details of meat production, but it was these informal references to the food they were buying and eating that angered the people and created public demand for reform. Upton Sinclair was primarily concerned with labor conditions for workers in the meat packing industry. He also exposed unsanitary food processing, which was incidental. It succeeded on both fronts, leading President Roosevelt to sign the Pure Food and Drug Act as a result. Sinclair was able to paint a detailed picture of immigrant culture while remaining informative. The sacrifice of millions of lives for the amassing of wealth was hard to believe, as were the exploitation of women and children in the factories. Sinclair hoped that no one who read The Jungle would forget the opening chapters. Upton Sinclairs "The Jungle" Essay -- essays research papers Several years before and after the turn the turn of the twentieth century, America experienced a large influx of European immigration. These new citizens had come in search of the American dream of success, bolstered by promise of good fortune. Instead they found themselves beaten into failure by American industry. Upton Sinclair wanted to expose the cruelty and heartlessness endured by these ordinary workers. He chose to represent the industrial world through the meatpacking industry, where the rewards of progress were enjoyed only by the privileged, who exploited the powerless masses of workers. The Jungle is a novel and a work of investigative journalism; its primary purpose was to inform the general public about the dehumanization of American workers. However the novel was much more effective at exposing the unsanitary conditions of the meatpacking industry. The public’s concern about the meat supply was so great that Sinclair later commented, â€Å"I aimed at the public’s heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach.† He played the journalist role well, actually spending seven months in Chicago where he studied the inner workings of the meatpacking industry. The experience allowed him to describe first-hand the sickening environment of the modern industrial factory. After Jurgis loses his factory job, he begins a frustrating search for new employment. Eventually he is forced into taking a job at the fertilizer plant, the worst place in the town. Sinclair makes it clear that the worker will, in fact, be working in sewage. The fertilizer works of Durham’s lay away from the rest of the plant. This this part of the yards came all the â€Å"tankage,† and the waste products of all sorts; here they dried out the bones—and in suffocating cellars where the day light bending over whirling machines and sewing bits of bone into all sorts of shapes, breathing their lungs of the fine dust, and doomed to die, every one of them, within a certain time. Here they made the blood into albumen, and made other foul-smelling things into thins still more foul-smelling. In the corridors and caverns where it was done, you might lose yourself as in the great caves of Kentucky. (p. 152) The thought of working in the waste of Packingtown disgusts Jurgis so much that he wishes he doesn’t get hired. Jurgis is a typical immigrant worker, and he realizes that this job is his â€Å"only hope.† T... ...r’s intended result was to show that the forces of industry capitalists would drive the working class to Socialism. Jack London, famous Socialist, commented, â€Å"What ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ did for the black slaves ‘The Jungle’ has a large chance to do for the white slaves of today.† By demonizing American industry he hoped to change the world. There are only a dozen or so pages concerned with the horrid details of meat production, but it was these informal references to the food they were buying and eating that angered the people and created public demand for reform. Upton Sinclair was primarily concerned with labor conditions for workers in the meat packing industry. He also exposed unsanitary food processing, which was incidental. It succeeded on both fronts, leading President Roosevelt to sign the Pure Food and Drug Act as a result. Sinclair was able to paint a detailed picture of immigrant culture while remaining informative. The sacrifice of millions of lives for the amassing of wealth was hard to believe, as were the exploitation of women and children in the factories. Sinclair hoped that no one who read The Jungle would forget the opening chapters.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Adopting Thorium Energy

When it comes to nuclear power most people would think about uranium. Our current state of nuclear power harnesses power through nuclear fission. The heat generated from this process boils water which drives massive steam turbines to create electricity. While this sounds like a fairly simple process the dangers it presents are massive. Reactor core meltdowns and the waste products are serious dangers the environment. There is an alternative element that can be used in place of uranium which is more efficient, abundant, and most importantly†¦safer. That element is thorium. Thorium is a naturally occurring radioactive chemical element. It is named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder. When used in a system for generating electricity its waste materials are 10 – 1000 times less long lived than uranium. This provides profound benefits over uranium when it comes to storing waste products. Thorium provides a greater energy yield than uranium; 5,000 tons of thorium is equivalent to about 61,000 tons of uranium. Those amounts are what’s needed to provide energy to the entire planet. At this point you’re probably wondering why we’re not using it if it’s safer and more powerful. Thorium has had a complicated history. Not because of any potential dangers it may have presented, but the potential dangers it didn’t possess. Uranium based nuclear power plants serve another purpose. Their waste products aid in the creation of weapons. Thorium’s waste products are not as easily weaponized. During the cold war governments were hesitant about funding a fledgling source of energy. Instead they opted to continue to invest and expand the infrastructure of the established uranium based nuclear plants. The last government funded thorium reactor was shut down in 1973 and thorium research nearly died along with it. In short; the benefits of weapons were chosen over having a safer and more energy independent future. The very nature of thorium allows for a facility orders of magnitude safer than the uranium nuclear power plants. When a nuclear power malfunctions or is damaged there is possibility of it exploding and releasing radioactive aterials into the atmosphere. The three worst nuclear power plant disasters occurred in 1979 with Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania; 1986 with Chernobyl; and in 2011 with the disaster in Fukushima, Japan. Chernobyl is estimated to remain uninhabitable for approximately 20,000 years while Fukushima is expected to remain so for 20 years or more. Entire cities abandoned do to the inherent danger of uranium based nuclear energy. Thorium has a sort of built-in fail-safe in that it requires extremely high temperatures to operate. This is alone makes for one its safest qualities. Without going into too much detail; if a thorium power plant were to lose power the devices heating its reactor tank would stop working. This would decrease the operating temperatures of thorium and its reactions would cease. The thorium would then be drained into a collection tank through the force of gravity. Unlike uranium power plants; thorium has no need to use water as a coolant. In an emergency a thorium power plant can shut itself down without any human intervention. Only recently has thorium once again become a serious contender for replacing uranium. As countries move to dismantle their nuclear arsenals thorium moves closer to the forefront of an energy independent future. Not all countries are as forward thinking as others though. China is currently the most forward thinking when it comes to thorium and has already outlined plans to have a new thorium reactor by the end of the decade. Estimates show that China has enough thorium to power its electricity needs for 20,000 years. That amount of potential and safe energy is unheard of. The United States alone sits on a reserve of about 440,000 tons of thorium in storage. Remember that 5,000 tons could power the entire planet for a year. The total estimated thorium content on Earth is around 120 trillion tons. So much energy waiting to be harnessed. The United States has let politics get in the way of what truly matters for far too long. The main hurdle to building new thorium plants is that new regulations would have to be established first. Those who make their fortunes off the established nuclear power plants no doubt lobby politicians to prevent thorium from becoming the leading source of energy. America will hurt itself if it allows other countries to gain too much of a head start in thorium energy research. Though thorium is not without its hurdles; its potential cannot be denied or ignored any longer. It’s extremely energy dense. There will never be a shortage of it. It’s incredibly safe. The waste products are less long lived and cannot be made into weapons. Like the Norse god it was named after thorium is set to take the world by storm.

Friday, August 16, 2019

“What I Saw and How I Lied”

Why do we go through love, deceit, the pains of growing up, and figuring out who we are? The four things I have listed are not only themes in the book â€Å"What I Saw and How I Lied† by Judy Blundell, but some basic parts of life. Love is a complicated feeling, not only for you and the person you’re in love with but the people around you. Sometimes when you are in love with somebody, not everyone approves, and that brings complication because you want to be in love with whoever you want, but also please the person who doesn’t approve because you love them too, in a different way, of course.Deception also comes into play when it comes to the game love. When in love with someone the feelings should be mutual, if there is no mutuality then one of the two people in the relationship is being deceived. In all it only leads to constant deception and heart ache. There’s a very true and popular saying; â€Å"growing up is hard to do. † In life as we grow ol der we all have obstacles we have to face. Whether it’s getting along with your mom or trying to fit in, that’s just two examples out of thousands, these obstacles are not meant to torment you but only to prepare you for life in general and the many more obstacles to come.When it comes to figuring out who you are it’s just one of the hurdles on the track of life you have to jump and hope you don’t have to try again, but if you do you will. When you clear the jump, finally figuring out who you are there is a sense of completion and just another step to success in your life. Evie a fifteen year old girl, the main character, felt she was growing up the only thing stopping her was her mother, she felt as if her mother wasn’t allowing her to grow up.Evie’s mother wouldn’t do anything to give Evie a sense of growing up, she wouldn’t buy the kind of clothes girls her age wore, she wouldn’t let her wear her hair the way she want ed, and she certainly didn’t let her date boys. On the contrary though, Evie was determined to prove she was grown up she felt that to appear grown up you had to start with your physical appearance. â€Å"I want to wear lipstick. † Her mother was just as determined to prove to her that Evie shouldn’t want to row up too fast. â€Å"Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up, baby. † Evie knew it was going to be hard to prove to her mom, let alone herself, that she wasn’t a little girl anymore. Little did they both know Evie was going to a lot of growing up on their spontaneous trip to Palm Springs, Florida. Evie was very excited for their getaway, she thought this was her chance to prove she was grown up. Her plan to prove it to them was to show she could handle a relationship, but in all reality she couldn’t.Evie met a man name Peter and she fell in love with him, although it was forbidden. He was too old for her, and in her mother’s opinion she was too young to date. In addition, her step-father didn’t like him because they had some bad history together when they were in World War II together. Throughout the story Evie and Peter continue their forbidden relationship, meanwhile Peter is also having an affair with Evie’s mother. â€Å"You lied, you told me you loved me!†¦ Mom, you knew the whole time! This is where the deception comes in, not only was Evie being deceived by her own mother but by the man she thought loved her. The whole time Evie thought she was discovering maturity and love but in all actuality she discovered deception and betrayal. Sure deception and betrayal will make you do a little growing up, but only by getting rid of your naivety. Growing up should be a treasured part of life not tragic. For Evie becoming a mature young adult was tragic. She never learned what true love is, to be faithful and devoted to one another.The only good thing Evie learned is who she is, she fig ured out that she shouldn’t trust every new person that comes into her life with her feelings. In closing love, deceit, growing up, and figuring out who you are in life is hard, but they’re part of life and everybody goes through it. Although we all go through life differently, it’s still life, we have no choice but to go through it. We choose who we love and trust and the choices we make determine how far we go in life. The question is why does life have to be so challenging?

Thursday, August 15, 2019

How Is Chapter 5 Significant to the Noval as a Whole/ Frankenstein

How is chapter 5 significant to the novel as a whole? The significance of chapter 5 to the novel as a whole can be observed through the relevance of the writer's use of language to describe the setting, character and what it shows about social and historical influence of ‘Frankenstein’. Mary Shelley wrote and conceived of Frankenstein while she and her husband Percy Shelley were visiting Lord Byron in Switzerland in June 1816. They had spent an evening around the fire telling horror stories. By the support of her husband, she continued to develop the story at the age of 19 and was published in March 1818. Mary Shelley became one of the most famous authors by writing ‘Frankenstein’, one of the best works of gothic horror, unfortunately in the 19 century; women were not credited well and did not have many rights. Mary Shelley could not publish the novel because she was a woman. Therefore, Mary Shelley published the novel under her husbands name ‘Percy Shelley’. Mary Shelley had written the novel because in her past she had experienced many deaths in her family. All the circumstances in her life brought her to write Frankenstein, one of the world’s greatest horror novels. The idea of this book was to bring the dead back to life and was a reflection of Mary Shelley’s own life. Chapter 5 is written as an imperative chapter; this is because in the novel the creation is brought to life, first described that, ‘as the yellow eye of the creature opened’ his creator Victor Frankenstein flees into the streets in fear. Shelley shows descriptive features of Frankenstein’s monster. One example from the text is ‘shrivelled complexion’; she uses descriptions like this in long sentences to create imagery in the reader’s minds. In those times, people were very religious and Frankenstein was about resurrecting the dead back to life. People were very strict religiously and became offended by novel and were utterly disgusted. Today scientists have proven and discovered a lot about humans and how the world was created so people have begun to believe in science. This novel is one of the most enduring works of gothic genre and compared to the novels written today, they are not equivalent to Frankenstein. Chapter 5 is the main part of the novel. This is hugely important to the story because this tells us Shelley’s feelings and accomplishments. In those times, men were credited more than women were. Therefore, Mary Shelley made her main character as a male called Victor Frankenstein who is a doctor that studied natural philosophy. He is very obsessed with science and particularly in bringing, the dead back to life; something man had never done before. Referring to the text, ‘I work hard for nearly two years, for the sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body’, the obsession Victor has of just resurrecting the dead is shown clearly and how much science is important to him. Victor continued and started to create a creature out of dead remains. He begins to create the creature as it says in the text ‘I collected the instruments of life around me’ this shows us that Victor Frankenstein is trying to bring the monster to life with his machinery. Another point that proves that he is beginning to give his ultimate design the gift of life is, ‘I might infuse a spark into the life into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet’, this proves that the creature Victor was trying to bring to life was still inactive and dead. In another part of the chapter it says ‘I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open’ this sentence is describing that the monster has been brought to life and is alive; so the experiment was a success. Mary Shelley describes the atmosphere and introduces the opening of chapter 5 as ‘it was on a dreary night of November’ and then follows with ‘the rain pattered dismally against the panes’. Both quotations suggest a dark, gloomy, gothic atmosphere and both quotes use pathetic fallacy. Mary also tells what time it is, ‘by the dim yellow light of the moon’ which proves that it is nighttime and gives an extra feature of gothic horror. Shelley shows that they didn’t have any electricity in those times as they were using candle-light, as it says in the text ‘by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light’, which means that Victor was working very hard, late at night. These few points all refer to pathetic fallacy because it sets the atmosphere well, which improves the gothic setting, to make it more horrifying. These gothic features build up and make a bigger impact on the reader, which improves the storyline. Mary also uses long, complex and descriptive sentences to describe Victor Frankenstein. She shows that Victor is worried when he creates the creature. By referring to the text it says ‘unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created’ which means that he could not absorb the reality of the situation and that he felt regret and remorse at his invention. Shelley describes some of the monster’s features, some examples are ‘his shrivelled complexion and straight black lips, his teeth of pearly whiteness’ These features give a stronger image on how he was created, and the use of sentence structure and strong adjectives delivers this well. The reason why Shelley uses these techniques is to bring the gothic explanation to the reader in a more understandable form; this is why Shelley used complex words like ‘inanimate and endeavoured’, The use of strong wording links the story together by making it more understandable. Shelley describes the creature with powerful adjectives; she uses words like ‘convulsive and demoniacal’ this gives the reader a clearer picture, which adds on to the readers imagination. When the monster is created, Victor Frankenstein rejects his creation. Shelley has written ‘I took refuge in the courtyard belonging to the house which I had inhabited’, Victor was very disappointed because he did not know how to teach his monster, was worried about what people would say to him. Therefore, Victor abandoned his creation and ran into the streets. This shows that it had a great effect on Victor Frankenstein, referring to the text, it says ‘I escaped, and rushed down the stairs’, this explains how he didn’t approve after he had created the monster as he realised that he had created something that would shock thousands of people. He would also need to care for it like a child. As Victor rejected his creation, he left it vulnerable against everything. At one point in the novel it describes Victor’s creation has awakened and is trying to speak. ‘He muttered some inarticulate sounds’, this proves that the monster cannot speak but is trying to communicate as the creation is a new born and thinks Victor as his parent. The monster picks upon speech very fast and is able to communicate with his creator who he finds by reading Victors diary. Frankenstein was written for intelligent readers because the ideas and the words used would have a bigger impact on them, as well as challenging one’s imagination. Shelley made it clear by adding this line to the novel; ‘anxiety that almost amounted to agony’, this adds alliteration for emphasis and proves that Frankenstein is a very worried man. Frankenstein is upset and confused about what he has just done. We learn about this when Frankenstein says ‘how can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe’, this proves to us that his obsession has paved over and he has finally realised hat sort of monstrosity he has created; the consequences of his actions are great. He then becomes afraid; when he sleeps, he starts to fear for his life and his family. Mary makes it clear that he is troubled in his sleep by adding this line to the novel: ‘I started from my sleep with horror’. Frankenstein is so worried about himself and his family that he ge ts nightmares; he left his creation to suffer. This leaves Victor frightened that the creature is going to approach him and take his revenge. Before becoming afraid for his own life, he was so tired that he threw himself into his bed in his clothes; this implies that he was weary. Frankenstein is also a very pessimistic man. He is confused. His feelings are confusing him after he creates the monster. Throughout chapter five Frankenstein feels and says that he is filled with calm and serene joy. At the start of the chapter, Frankenstein's feelings were unhappy, but towards the end of the chapter, he is happy until he became ill. When Frankenstein became ill, his friend Henry Clerval helped him regain full health once again. Chapter 5 tells us about how Frankenstein feels and acts; this gives a completely better picture of the character, ‘Dr Frankenstein’. Mary Shelley at such a young age used pathetic fallacy really well in this novel. At the start of chapter five, she sets the scene up as dark, gloomy and wet. This adds to the bad atmosphere. Dark and gloomy are words that are added to create a sinister atmosphere. Most people prefer sunny days to dark and gloomy days. This shows us that even within the first paragraph of the chapter the bad atmosphere is already being set. As well as being able to set bad atmosphere, Shelley can also make the atmosphere happy and joyous. Shelley used words such as ‘unable to contain myself’. This suggests that Shelley was a competent writer because she had experienced death and joy in her life. This helped her to use descriptive language like, ‘a convulsive motion agitated its limbs’; this quote is not a very joyous sentence but has a macabre tone, which makes the gothic horror creepy. Shelley also quickly changed the atmosphere all of a sudden; she rapidly changed it from Frankenstein being worried to being relieved. Shelley created the novel on her point of view; based on her life, as in the text it proves that she wrote the novel on herself or a first person. If it was written on a third, person’s point of view, it may be written as ‘a cold dew covered his forehead’ which you can tell is more made up than real. This means that it is better to write as first person because it makes more sense and sounds more believable. When he had created the creature the text says ‘I beheld the accomplishment of my toils’; this shows us that he was very proud of his creation until it came to mind that he had done a very bad thing and could not proceed any further; he would have to dismantle the being he had created. Chapter 5 tells us how hard Victor Frankenstein has worked to create the creature; it is written: ‘I had deprived myself of rest and health’. This tells us that he did not have even a little break until he had created the creature and shows us his enthusiasm; he is determined to finish and create the monster. He wanted to prove that it was possible to bring the dead back to life. As Frankenstein is giving life to the creature, it says, ‘I had gazed on him while unfinished’; this means that as he took one last look at the monster he was unaware of any problems to come. This tells us that you could already see how obsessed and blinded he was, that he did not consider the consequences he would have to face. Frankenstein is caught up in his feelings; not caring at all for what he had created and selfishly leaves his creation to suffer. Frankenstein leaves the monster alone, which is classed as terrible parenting in society. Chapter five is when the monster gets the gift of life; just like a baby. When a parent leaves his or her child, it is regarded as mistreatment. The main thing that parents do with their children, which Frankenstein did not, is to educate him. They need to teach them how to live; to get through life smoothly, to be civilised, and they should be taught the laws of society that you must abide by. Frankenstein did not teach the creature this, so the creature took it upon himself to kill his creator's family in a fit of childish revenge. Frankenstein brings the creature to life, and then the creature massacres his family; this links in with the obsession theme. The monster was disliked and ignored by everyone. The creation is rejected, and as he is very intelligent, he hides in a house. In that house a child is learning from her mother and is being taught how to read, write, and speak; the monster learns how to communicate and confronts Frankenstein. Victor cannot tolerate him, as he is frightened and cannot confront it because he had left it to suffer and die. There are many descriptive features of Victor’s creation. When the monster is brought back to life, Shelley illustrates it as, ‘a convulsive motion agitated his limbs’; this means that the monster made his first movement and has been given life. Frankenstein escaped and was regretful of his actions, so became seriously depressed. This is another point that proves that Frankenstein is based on her own life. There is a link between Frankenstein and Mary Shelley; Shelley is hugely obsessed in writing her story which she dreamt about at night, this appeared to her as she had many deaths in her family. This shows us why she wanted to write her story and how it was extremely important to her. On the other hand Frankenstein is obsessed in resurrecting the dead back to life. This shows us that Mary Shelley and Victor Frankenstein are closely equivalent to each other as they had the same desires in resurrecting the dead back to life. Chapter 5 is hugely important to the novel because it is when the monster awakens; this is when the impossible happens and it has an impact on the the readers, as there is suspense. In addition, more importantly, the notion of bringing the dead to life reflects Shelley’s own despair and the circumstances that overcame her during her life. Her mother died ten days after Mary Shelley was born. Her husband also drowned. All the religious people were shocked and disgusted because she had written against their religion by writing on the topic of resurrection. On the other hand, she had written something so unique that people admired her for her achievement. Mary had written one of the greatest gothic horror stories in history, leaving people inspired by her work. The novel presented readers with the incredible images of creation and death. There are many key points that link up chapter 5. One point is ‘obsession’. In the text it says, ‘I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation’; this is one of the most important facts about Victors passion in creating the creature; he knew that this was something that will shock the world and he wished to be the first to succeed in resurrecting a being. Chapter 5 is about Frankenstein being so obsessed, he does not know how repulsive the creature will be. His obsession backfires on his family and friends who fell foul of the creature. This implies that this is a key point contributing immensely to the novel. The concepts of birth and death also run throughout the novel. In chapter 5, Frankenstein is giving life to the creature. Frankenstein behaved wrongly as a parent to his creation; he abandoned it. Regardless how ugly or deformed your child is, a parent should love it and give it protection. Frankenstein acted atrociously; he condemned his own creation. In the 19th Century, scientists wanted to bring people back to life. Some scientists managed to revive some dead tissue; this is the furthest anyone got to revive the dead. Mary Shelley interpreted it into her novel; this shows her awareness of current affairs and scientific thinking. Mary Shelley interpreted this in a different way though; Frankenstein did not bring a particular person back to life, but he added different body parts from different dead people to make a creature. Frankenstein made the creature against the laws of nature, so he reaped the consequences. Overall, I have learned about how Mary Shelley used gothic horror and how she used long descriptive sentences to have a bigger effect on the reader. I have also learned how bad parenting can affect the minds of people psychologically. In addition, I have observed how effectively she describes a monster, and stimulates the reader’s imagination. I can see how she uses pathetic fallacy, which uses the atmosphere to make the mood and creates the genre of the story. I have observed how Shelley bases the novel on a first person, so she will be talking about herself, which will be effective at connecting the reader with Dr Frankenstein’s experiences. Also, the problems and grief that Mary Shelley experienced in her life is evident through the storyline; this makes it a more personal account. I have learned how important chapter 5 is to the novel as it is directly pointing at the life of Mary. I can see how she describes the creature visually, by giving long, descriptive features e. g. his hair, his eyes and his lips. She gives so much detail about the creature that you can even relate to the state Victor Frankenstein is in after he creates the monster and how he reacted to it. In the text, it tells us e. g. , how long he worked, why he worked and what he was doing it for. Automatically it brings imagery in to your head and gives a brief image on how he would have looked. By Frankenstein being intensely horrified, he and the public reject the monster and it is chased out of the community. This shows that people were not tolerant of differences or bizarre people in society. Therefore, the creature is unable to endure its phase of life, and feels rage towards the one person who should have cared for him. The creature felt betrayed and sought revenge. I now understand the message of this novel; Shelley is actually warning the readers to consider their actions and the consequences on others. If you do wrong to someone, you will eventually regret it, as you will face punishment in some way or another. Frankenstein was a good novel for its time; by studying chapter 5, I have learnt that 19th century life was a lot different to mine. This novel is very captivating and moving, considering when it was written, and the ethics behind it.